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Why do girls start getting periods at a younger age now? Know from experts

Periods have started in young girls (9 to 12 years). In such a situation, parents are getting worried. They are afraid that this is not some disease, if this problem is increasing in young girls then what are the reasons? Let us know about this from Dr. Ila Gupta of Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Nowadays, the problem of periods in young girls is increasing. Earlier, girls used to get periods at the age of 12-14 years, but now they have started getting periods at the age of 9-10 years. 

In such a situation, parents worry whether this is a disease? Let us know from the experts why periods are occurring at the age of 9 to 10 years.

Dr. Ila Gupta of Obstetrics and Gynecology says that nowadays girls prefer eating outside food instead of home food, such as junk food, packaged food and sweet beverages. 

These contain chemicals that can affect the hormones in the body, which can cause periods to come early. Obesity is also becoming a big problem. 

Today, many diseases are increasing rapidly due to obesity. Due to unhealthy food and bad lifestyle, people are becoming victims of this disease at an early age. Children of young age are overweight, more hormones start being produced in their body. This can cause periods to start early.

Stress and lifestyle

Nowadays children have started taking too much stress of studies and other work. Mental stress can also affect the body's hormones. Excessive use of things made of plastic and chemicals affects our body. This can cause hormonal imbalance, which can cause early onset of periods.

Genetic Causes

If the mother or grandmother got their periods early, then the daughter may also get them early. Genetic problem is the most important. Due to this, girls of young age are facing the problem of getting periods.

Is this a disease?

Having periods at a young age is not a disease, but if it occurs at the age of 7-8 years, then it can be a medical condition, which is called precocious puberty. 

In this, the child starts looking older early, which can affect the development of bones and body in the future. In such a situation, it is important to consult a doctor.

This is how you can avoid this problem

To avoid this problem, there is a need to adopt a proper diet and a good lifestyle. It is important to keep the diet of children right. Parents should feed their children homemade nutritious food, which includes green vegetables, pulses, fruits, etc. 

Junk food, fried food from outside and packaged food should be avoided. Apart from this, there is no need to take mental stress. Do not put too much pressure on children for studies or anything else. Parents should let them be happy and relaxed.